Shrigley Association
PRESENT: P. Roebuck (Chair); D. Murphy (Treasurer); M. Kilduff (Secretary/Archives); P. Barnes (Southern Rep.); E. Baggaley (Mins Sec/IT Coordinator); T. Baggaley; T. McCarthy; J. Burke; P. Hunter.
The Chairman opened the Meeting at 2.05 p.m., welcoming all present and moving a vote of thanks, warmly approved, to M. Kilduff for organizing today's celebrations of the 75th Anniversary of the canonization of Saint John Bosco and the cutting of the first sod of the National Shrine at Shrigley (1st April 1934).
Apologies: J. Bergin; B. O'Neill; E. Carless (extract from e-mail read out)
2. MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE MEETING, GLASGOW, 01.02.2009: Accepted as a true record.
Points discussed:
Re no. 6, Secretary's Report: two subscriptions paid but no new Members enrolled. The shortened Membership list (Enrolled Members only) may possibly be used for SA postings following the Glasgow event of Jan/Feb 2010.
Re. no. 7, Treasurer's Report: the £600 sponsorship of one BOVA delegate to EURIZON 2009 has been completed, £300 from the Association already voted, £250 donated at the Glasgow event, £50 top-up as promised, by a Member donor. The number of Enrolled Members stands at 53. This is the proportion from 270 Entitled Members, who receive e-mail communications and the 120-130 who receive postal communications.
Re. no. 8, Website: Eric Baggaley reported recent improvements regarding Latest News, Future Events, Memories, Archives and Gallery. Further modifications are planned.
Re. no. 9, Forthcoming Events: the proposed Mass at Thornleigh in May is still problematic because of lack of numbers able to attend.
Action: D. Murphy to produce a full list of Enrolled Membership for Secretary and AGM use.
David also agreed to bring clear proposals regarding Life Membership subscription and further Association support for BOVA to the AGM.
John Burke to explore further the feasibility of holding the May 17th Thornleigh Mass.
Points discussed:
Having distributed a brief written Report to all Committee Members, following the recent Meeting of the National Council of Salesian Old Boys' Associations, which he attended on behalf of the SA, the Chairman amplified this with a brief verbal Report, drawing attention to the understanding and support within the National Council for the SA position and proposals. He highlighted the agreement of the NC that Peter Hunter proceed to draft an alternative 'umbrella' constitution for the Council, which would cater explicitly for inclusivity. Against the background of his involvement with the World Council, Peter Hunter outlined what he had in mind, drawing particular attention to Clause 2 of the SA constitution, which, it was agreed, provided a model upon which to build.
Action: Peter Hunter requested the assistance of Peter Roebuck with this new draft and the Chairman and Committee readily approved. The draft would be shared with all the Members of the SA Committee and, following agreement, would be presented for endorsement to the SA September AGM. If accepted there, it would be forwarded to Patrick Morrissey at the next NC Meeting scheduled for November 2009.
Points raised (Paper/Discussion)
The Gatherings/Committee Meetings at Great Missenden and Chertsey
- have not brought in large numbers of Members
- have involved the Committee members in expenses which some now consider unjustifiable and cannot be continued indefinitely
- the subject matter of any future talks should have the widest possible appeal
- thought must be given to choosing venues that might enhance this appeal
- we should accept the fact that new Members are not going to turn up to Gatherings/Reunions in large numbers without efforts on our part to appeal to their interests, circumstances and to their perceptions of the purpose of the SA.
- This means that our profile must have as wide an appeal as possible.
Action: the following was approved:
a) Northern Gathering and Committee: the Thornleigh Event has not materialized, due to lack of an organizer, today's Shrigley Event has replaced it, coordinated by M. Kilduff.
b) Glasgow Gathering and Committee, Jan/Feb 2010; best format and programme T.B.A. with John Bergin (Scottish Rep).
c) Southern Gathering and Committee, Farnborough, Friday 27- Sun 29 November 2009; Coordinator Paul Barnes (Southern Rep) in liaison with the Committee.
The venue and nature of a possible Spring/Summer Event in 2010 was deliberately left open to await further discussion at the next Committee Meeting.
The co-option of a "Northern Rep." is to be explored.
Points discussed:
The afternoon/evening session ("A Shrigley Heritage") should be amplified by the contribution "Scots 1960" (and other years). A further suggested item arising from M. Kilduff's contacts with Sue Lynch and John Plant, both related to James Lynch, the head mason on the building of Shrigley Church. Please see additional notes at the end of these Minutes - E.B.
Action: P. Roebuck and M. Kilduff to pursue further their research on the building of the Church and to communicate with B. O'Neill regarding the inclusion of some material into the Reunion Programme.
M. Kilduff and P. Roebuck to work on suggested agenda and the nomination/election forms. The possibilities of recruiting more youthful Committee Members and other changes in personnel further rotation amongst Officers were alluded to.
Material dealt with under Point 5, above.
9. A.O.B.
Next Committee Meeting (pre AGM/Reunion) at Savio House on Friday 26 June, 6.30 for 7.00 p.m.
Thanking all for their presence and participation, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 3.55 p.m.
Eric Baggaley (Mins Sec/IT Coordinator) 14.04.2009.
Adendum: M. Kilduff writes: "Having established links with Sue Lynch, grand- daughter to James Lynch, Head Mason on the building of the Church… and with John Plant, a cousin of Sue's father, I feel I must bring them into the process. John Plant arranged for my display, asking for information from Bollington locals to be put up in St. Gregory's for a month or so. Sue Lynch contacted Local History people in the search for information on her grandfather and, hence, on Shrigley Church. She has spoken to the Cheshire Records Office and was instrumental in arranging the "Macclesfield Express" article in this week's paper…following their photographer's attendance on Wed. April 1st. She gave the Newspaper the lead and directed them to our website, where most of their information came from. So "guest status" and a half-hour slot for them in September, if they are able to take it up, is well earned."
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