PRESENT: P. Roebuck (Chair); M. Kilduff (Secretary); D. Murphy (Treasurer); E. Baggaley (Mins. Sec/IT Co-ord); P. Barnes (Southern Rep.); P. Hunter (Nat. Council); John Burke.
Opening the Meeting at 7.05, the Chairman welcomed all present.
Apologies: John Bergin; B. O'Neill
Accepted as a true record.
Under point 3 Enrolled and Life Membership
There are 54 Enrolled members currently. Life Membership subscription is still to be decided and David Murphy will submit a firm proposal at the AGM. Membership was restated as open to past Pupils and Staff of Shrigley.
Under BOVA
Discussed the cancellation of EURIZON event. D. Murphy reported that BOVA intended to inform all necessary organizations and, where appropriate, to offer a refund of donations.
Action: D. Murphy to contact Fr. Bob Gardner to say that the SA donation to EURIZON (£600) was to be used for other BOVA activities.
Under 4: National Council business:
Copy of P. Roebuck's and P. Hunter's work so far on a redraft of the NC Constitution.
The Preliminary Comments explain "The chief problem with the present 'Constitution' is that it fails to be explicitly inclusive. By not catering adequately for the sheer diversity of belief in the modern world, it jeopardizes the potential of active involvement by people who know, love and wish to support what the Salesians set out to achieve, but who are not Catholics, or whose Catholicism has a somewhat different emphasis from that practised by the Salesians."
Under clause 2.2, Salesian Past Pupils, together with former Staff of Salesian establishments, are (in this revised document) "entitled to Membership, whatever their current persuasion; and are strongly encouraged to play as full a part in the work of the Federation and its Local Associations as they wish".
Action: P. Hunter, in conjunction with P. Roebuck, to complete the remaining sections of the redraft, viz., number 7 MISSION, number 8 OPERATING STATEMENT and number 9 CONCLUSION. The completed document will be circulated by P. Hunter to NC Members.
P. Roebuck will write to Enrolled Members in order to help an informed discussion of the redrafted document at the next AGM.
It was agreed that P. Roebuck should write to Fr. Albert Carette SDB to invite him to continue as President for the coming 12 months.
Document from B. O'Neill 24.06.2009
After extended discussion the following actions were agreed:
- Annual photograph to be arranged after lunch and before the Cemetery Service.
- Items for the Saturday evening concert to be collected and organized by P. Barnes.
- Cemetery Service. Fr. G. Robson SDB to be invited by E. Baggaley to devise and lead this year's Cemetery Service. Marie Burke, although having to be absent, will provide "more modest" floral tributes.
- The half-hour session on the building of Shrigley Church to be conducted by Sue Lynch has been agreed and John Plant and his wife will also attend if possible.
- An update of the Directory is not considered necessary for this year.
- An up-to-date programme, following on a report of the Glasgow Meeting organized by J. Bergin, may need to be sent out to the Membership. M. Kilduff to liaise with B. O'Neill.
Following discussion of the difficulties experienced in organizing well attended Gathering/Committee Events in the South of England (as at Great Missenden and at Chertsey) it was decided not to arrange the proposed Gathering/Committee Event at Farnborough in November 2009.
Suggested links with the Old Boys' Association of Blaisdon were discussed and approved, perhaps leading to a joint Committee Meeting and Event.
Action: Glasgow Event in January 2010, with Committee Meeting, to be arranged, following contact with J. Bergin.
Two Committee Meetings to be arranged at Savio in 2009/10.
P. Barnes to communicate with Bro Joe Adams SDB to explain our decision regarding Farnborough.
Following on frank statements by Committee Members, it emerged that P. Roebuck, M. Kilduff, D. Murphy and E. Baggaley all agree, in a spirit of solidarity, to see the National Council Constitution redraft completed and (hopefully) adopted and therefore stand for re-election.
B. O'Neill, while not wishing to continue on the Committee in a role where closeness to Shrigley/Savio is considered essential, has offered to be a co-opted Committee Member.
Following on the decision regarding Southern events, P. Barnes offered to stand for election as Events Co-ordinator.
Action: E. Baggaley to contact Mike Cox and friends regarding attendance at the next Reunion.
P. Barnes to research links with the Blaisdon Old Boys' Association.
D. Murphy to liaise with Savio House regarding a pre-Christmas Dinner.
P. Barnes proposed an Event in Bolton in October 2009. The Committee asked him to proceed with planning and publicity.
Thanking Members for their attendance and contributions, the Chairman closed the Meeting at 8.58 p.m.
E. Baggaley (Mins. Sec./ IT Co-ord.) 03.07.2009
Addendum: With our thanks to Fr. Martin Coyle for the excellent facilities and refreshments provided for this Meeting, P. Roebuck and D. Murphy arranged payment plus a donation to Savio House.