Shrigley Association

Glasgow Meeting January 2009

John Bergin's Report on Glasgow Weekend:


We held the first meeting of 2009 on the weekend of 31January/1 February.
The home contingent of Pat Bracken, Bernard and Diane Murray, Joe and Alison Quinn, Louis Skehal, Tony Quinn, Greg Bell and John Bergin warmly welcomed Eric and Tricia, Mike and Helen and Peter Roebuck to a meal in Piazza in the Merchant City on the Saturday evening.

On the following Sunday we held our Association meeting at St Benedict's in Easterhouse followed by Mass, our principle celebrant being Fr Michael Winstanley SDB. Tony Quinn had brought along a wide selection of photographs from the period 1965-70 and these proved so popular that the idea of "theming" the annual reunion to highlight these photos was born and it would appear that the Shrigley Boys of the mid to late 60s will feature greatly in September. Louis Skehal and Tony Quinn have agreed to collate photos and any other memorabilia from the period so if anyone has anything they would like included please get in touch with Louis or Tony. It would also be great if we could get a strong contingent to go down for the reunion weekend on 19-20 September.

As usual, there was the customary high level of cameraderie, friendhip and genuine warmth and for us Scots it was great to have so many of our friends make the effort to come north in the middle of winter.

The Committee Meeting Minutes are HERE

Glasgow Meeting
Tommy Walker, Jim Hughes
Glagow Meeting
Jim Hughes, Fr Charles Garrick SDB, Tony Quinn, Diane Murray (back), Robert Caulfield, Bernard Murray (back), Dave Murphy, Greg Bell, John Bergin, Eric Baggaley, Peter Roebuck, Mick Crossan
Glasgow Meeting
Tommy Walker, Fr Michael Winstanley SDB
Glasgow Meeting
Robert Caulfield




    Opening the meeting promptly at 1.30 p.m., Chairman Peter Roebuck welcomed all present and registered our thanks to Fr. Charles Garrick SDB for the use of the Parish amenities and to John Bergin for planning the whole Event, including the most enjoyable meal out together at Piazza Italia on Saturday evening January 31st.
  • PRESENT: Peter Roebuck, Chairman; David Murphy, Treasurer; Mike Kilduff, Secretary/Archivist; John Bergin, Scottish Representative; Eric Baggaley, Minutes/IT Coordinator; Robert Caulfield; Tony Quinn; Bernard and Diane Murray; Michael Crossan; Greg Bell; Jim Hughes; Louis Skehal; Tommy Walker; Michael Winstanley SDB; Charles Garrick SDB.

    APOLOGIES: Paul Barnes; Bernard O'Neill; Ted Carless; Magnus Dunlop; Terry Devine; Joe Quinn; Jim Toye; Brendan Gill; Vincent Gill.


    Accepted as a true record.

    With reference to the Amended Paper: Format of Gatherings (Paul Barnes)
    DISCUSSION: The "pattern" of  SA Events has varied greatly over the years, at Shrigley, Savio House and other venues, with a variety of planned activities. Recent innovations have included the "nomadic" nature of our three Committee Meetings/Gatherings and the introduction of the category of Enrolled Members within the Entitled Membership.
    ACTION: The Document was formally noted, was accepted as an "aide-memoire" to Event organizers and Paul was thanked for preparing this Document.

    Presenting his Communications with the National Council and the proposed Constitution (November 2008), Peter Roebuck summarised the Committee discussions, seeking the best way forward for cooperation of the SA with the NC.
    ACTION: Following further discussion, Peter will write a considered proposal to the NC, also attend their next meeting at Thornleigh in March, and will provide a full report of these matters to thenext Committee Meeting (Thornleigh 23/24 May) and  the Shrigley AGM in September 2009.

    Mike Kilduff provided an account of how this revised document has come to the "final draft" ready for publication on the Association website.
    ACTION: Eric Baggaley to provide the document to Keith Dransfield for publication.

    Referring to documentation he provided about the posting of his most recent four-page Newsletter, including a list of  returned mail, Mike Kilduff detailed the costs (£73.20p) arising from this exercise. He spoke also about the future continuance of such Mailings.
    The Treasurer, David Murphy, reported that 11 new membership dues resulted from Mike's letter, an increase of a good 20% and putting Enrolled Membership at over 50 - for the first time in recent history!
    ACTION: Newsletters still to be seen,  for the time being,  as a good use of our Association finances.  After a suitable lapse of time, to allow the Constitutional distinction between Entitled and Enrolled Membership to "bed down", it might be seen as  appropriate to concentrate mailings on those   Members who have paid annual subscription and'/or are not linked to the SA Website, where Minutes, News, etc. are posted promptly.

    Presenting an Income and Expenditure Account (01.07.2008 - 31.01.2009), David Murphy commented on the healthy Closing Bank Balance (£2852.53p) and introduced the Donation to BOVA discussion. £300 has been sent to Fr. Bob Gardner SDB, half of the sponsorship of one delegate to the "Eurison 2009" event to be held in Britain based in Savio House.
    ACTION: The further £300 for BOVA to be raised from this weekend's event and, if necessary, from one of our most generous supporters, who has promised to make up any shortfall. (See also AOB)

    FINANCIAL PROTOCOL: Presented by David Murphy and accepted by the Committee as follows:
    "Ordinary expenditure for the purpose of the Aim of the Association (to promote fellowship among Members) will be deemed the responsibility of the Committee and delegated to the Treasurer for payment from Association funds.
    Extraordinary expenditure will be subject to ratification by the Membership at the AGM."
    (The full documentation presented by David Murphy is available from him on request, contacting "Shrigley Association", 30a Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook, Bury, Lancs BL0 9SN   Tel: 01204 882 557 email: )

    Updating his reports from AGM September 2008, Eric Baggaley  pointed out:
    1) the Association History will be published;
    2) "Salesians At Shrigley" has been substantially up-dated by Peter Roebuck and is back on line;
    3) "Gallery", in reply to appeals, many more photos and names have been supplied, but more are needed;
    4) "Events" - Members' help to publicize these has been most welcome;
    5) "Memories/Reminiscences" are being greatly extended, e.g. the correspondence with Bob Hilton about Music at Shrigley. It is hoped many other topics will similarly stimulate correspondence between Members;
    ) important developments are the "Latest News/Stop Press" and an "Archives" section to follow soon.

    Thornleigh Gathering and Committee Meeting 23/24 May 2009. Negotiations are underway regarding the Mass, a Social Event and possibly a Walk and a Reminiscences session.
    Annual Reunion 18-20 September 2009 at Shrigley/Savio House. Discussions continue between Bernard O'Neill (Events Organizer) and other Members of the Committee. It is likely that the cutting of the first sod in 1934, the building of the Shrigley Church and further Reminiscences will form important sections of our programme.
    Southern England Meeting November(?) 2009. Discussions are ongoing.

    More Pictures of Shrigley College life are now exhibited in the Hotel. Mike Kilduff has discussed informally with the Hotel the possibility of an Exhibition of Photographs, about the building of the Church at Shrigley, to mark the 75th Anniversary of the cutting of the first sod and the canonization of Don Bosco on the 1st April 1934.
    Further discussion about BOVA revealed that the Volunteers who work abroad with the Salesians are not all youngsters trained by Bob Gardner SDB and his team. Adults and retired people are also working in this scheme. The Eurison Event is running from the 6-9 August 2009 and its total cost in Britain could be around £50,000.
    John Bergin (Scottish Representative) gave an outline of the support given by Shrigley Past Pupils to the parishes of St. Bendict and St. Clare. Fr. Charles Garrick SDB thanked the Association members for their very practical support.
    The Meeting closed at 2.45 p.m. in preparation for the "Don Bosco" Mass and the socializing to follow.
    E.Baggaley 06.02.2009

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