THE SHRIGLEY ASSOCIATION MINUTES :  Committee Meeting – Savio House – 07.12.2007

The Meeting commenced at 7.30pm
PRESENT:  P. Roebuck (Chair), E. Baggaley , M. Kilduff ,  D. MacDonald SDB,  D. Murphy, B. O’Neill,  P.Barnes, J. Clark, J. Bergin.
APOLOGIES:  J. Lomax, J. Burke.

The Chairman welcomed all present and especially thanked the long-distance travellers from Scotland and Cornwall.

a)  Immediately following the 2007 AGM and Annual Reunion, dates “available” at Savio House and Shrigley Hall Hotel for next year were explored.  Chosen dates are the week-end 19-20-21 September 2008.
b)  After the inclusion of Terry Prendergast, present at the AGM, and the removal of  the non-members of the Association who had accompanied Martin Flynn for the Cemetery Book Launch,                  Peter sent voting papers to the 36 members eligible to vote for the posts of the new, expanded  2007-2008 Committee.  (The counting showed 32 votes cast, 3 no votes, 1 abstention)
c)  As the split of the vote for the Secretary was even, at 16 each for Joe Lomax and Mike Kilduff, both had been invited to become Committee Members and to share Secretarial duties, each with the title of Joint Secretary.  Members of the AGM had been informed.
d)  It was proposed that the 2 Co-options to the Committees be John Bergin, who would represent our Scottish colleagues, and Rev. John Crowshaw who would represent our "Southern" colleagues in England.  Special responsibility was invested in these co-opted members to organize the 2008 Committee Meetings to be held in their areas.

MINUTES OF THE AGM 2I JULY 2007: because these subsumed the Minutes of our last Committee Meetings(s), they were received as an aide-memoir for checking progress.

a.)  David Murphy had explored the issue of "Charitable Status".  As an annual turnover of at least £5,000 is required for the granting of "Registered Status", there was no point in pursuing the matter further. 
b.)  In accordance with requests made at the AGM, David will examine the questions of the Annual Fee paid by members, Life Membership Fees and the setting up of facilities to make Credit Card Payments to the Association, this last provision to be of great use to our Members living abroad.
c.) David indicated that he had not yet received financial records from Mike Egan.
d.) Peter reported the good news that members of the Wosser family had been located.. He was  arranging to visit relatives and the chapter on  Patrick Wosser would be re-written and a copy made available to all who had purchased the Shrigley Cemetery Book.
e.) The Lomas Shield and the four House Shields had been displayed in the entrance hall at Shrigley.  Mike Kilduff would communicate with members about this, including photographs .

John Bergin  reported on two meetings (21 June 2007 & 9 September 2007) which he summarised as "harnessing the good will and enthusiasm" of our Scottish members.
While there was "no best time" for the Scots to attend the AGM & Reunion in England, they marginally preferred September dates..
For the January Event in Glasgow it had been agreed that there would be a social gathering on the Saturday evening, another optional activity would be planned for those not attending the Committee Meeting on Sunday and the Scots would contribute to the formulation of the Agenda for the Committee Meeting.
They had agreed that their liaison with the Salesians would be very close and practical ways of helping Fr. McGarry and Fr. Garrick were being actively discussed. 

Chairman:   This position was not seen as merely presiding over the AGM.  The Chairman prepared the Papers and Agenda for the Committee Meetings and the AGM, distributed the papers  and then chaired these meetings.  The last AGM had also instructed him to organize the Election of Committee Members and to arrange the dates of the 2008 AGM and Reunion.
Treasurer:   As it is not allowed in law for one person to be Treasurer and Auditor, David Murphy will follow "best practice".  He will control all matters pertaining to Cheque Books, Paying-In Books, Receipts, etc., and will arrange for independent Auditing to be done for the Association as a "gift", saving the Association a bill of approximately £500.  The signatories on Association cheques will be the Treasurer (David) and one of  the two Joint Secretaries ( Joe Lomax and Mike Kilduff).
Minutes Sec. & IT Coordinator:   Will take Minutes at the Committee Meetings and the AGM.  Will submit Minutes for approval and arrange for their publication.  Will liaise with the Web Master, Keith Dransfield,  to keep information on the Website correct  and  updated, with new material submitted and posted as appropriate (e.g. The  House Shields at  Shrigley).  It would be sensible to allow Keith Dransfield due discretion in his organization of the Shrigley Website.  It was decided, however that material submitted to Keith for posting should also be copied to Eric. In relation to updating the website Paul Barnes drew attention to the incomplete account of the History of the Shrigley Old Boys.  He had discussed the matter with Fr. Robert Coupe SDB, who agreed that a section was missing relating to the time when Paul had been President and to events during the period approaching the closing of Shrigley and the "closure" of the Old Boys Association. The Committee readily accepted Paul's offer to liaise with Fr. Robert and to provide an update to Keith and Eric.
Events Coordinator:   Plans & organises Annual Reunion and possibly other Events, working together with the full Committee.
Co-opted Members:   Requested by the Committee to oversee specific tasks.
Joint Secretaries: (see below)


A Paper from Mike Kilduff and an E-mail from Joe Lomax were discussed.
Mike outlined his proposals for the operation of the Joint Secretaryship.
His first proposal concerned the material which members currently received.  Evidence had accumulated that many felt that they received too much, too frequently.  They should, therefore, be asked individually which categories of information they required.  Those looking for regular news of the Salesian family would be offered sign-up to Rua Link.  They and others might also wish to receive news of members of the Association etc., which would be made available to them.  Yet others would only want periodic news of the activities of the Association and would be facilitated.  Replies to Mike's proposed circular would also enable address lists and other details to be up-dated.
His second proposal concerned material not currently offered to new members, e.g. a Welcome Pack giving details of the activities of the Association over recent years.  We should certainly do something to make them feel welcome and to inform them of the kind of activity they could anticipate, together with an invitation to play an active role.
A third proposal was that all periodic Newsletters and circulars should append the names of both Secretaries: the next one, in any case, would need to include something from Mike on the recent display of the Lomas and House Shields at the Shrigley Hall Hotel.
These three proposals were agreed unanimously.
 It was appropriate to arrange for Joe Lomax (who was unable to attend the meeting) to be briefed on the outcome of the Committee's discussions.  It was agreed that the Chairman should send Joe a copy of the Minutes, together with a letter, which would be passed to Joe via David Murphy, who would discuss both with him.

As no theme had been identified for a Winter/Spring Weekend, it was decided not to hold one.  However, the spread of activities, including the Committee Meetings & the AGM /Reunion could accommodate an event in May 2008. Rev. John Crowshaw had proposed facilitating the holding of the Committee Meeting ("South") in his Parish Hall (Missenden, Amersham, Berks.)  Paul Barnes suggested that it might be possible to arrange a visit to the Salesian College & Community in Farnborough on  Sat.May 24th, the Feast of Mary, Help of Christians, in which case Fri. 23rd May could be proposed for the Committee Meeting.  Paul undertook to contact John Burnett, Tony Calway, Rev, John Crowshaw and Bro. Joe Adams SDB (Farnborough) and  to report back to the Committee .

The list of activities for the Association in 2008 would thus read:

  1. Glasgow  - Sat 26th - Sun 27th January -   Social evening, Don Bosco Mass, Committee Meeting & social/buffet. (Details to be announced - John Bergin)
  2. Thornleigh  - Sun. 10th February -  Don Bosco Mass & social/buffet. (Details to be announced)
  3. Missenden, Amersham  - Fri. 23rd. - Sat. 24th May.   Committee Meeting, social/buffet.  Visit to Farnborough (?)  (Details TBA. - Rev. John Crowshaw/Paul Barnes)
  4. Shrigley/Savio House  - AGM & Annual Reunion: -  Fri.19th./Sat.20th./Sun.21st. September.  Theme of "Shrigley 1958" (Details TBA. -  Bernard O'Neill)

Bernard O'Neill outlined his thinking and forward planning to date.  It was essential that as far as possible INVITES to this Event should reach all the "Intake" Pupils of 1958, all Boys and Staff at Shrigley in 1958 and as many Shrigley Old Boys and Staff as possible - together with their family and friends.  An important element in the programme will be "A Presentation of Reminiscences".  As many contributors as possible would be approached about this.   Details would be available for approval at the January Meeting in Glasgow.

There being no other business, the Chairman thanked all present and closed the Meeting at approx. 9.50 pm
(Secretary's Addenda:   On Sat. 8th. Dec. Peter Roebuck and Bernard O'Neill held a very constructive meeting with Laura Jade Hallion, Hotel Events Organiser at  Shrigley Hall Hotel.
They left with a clear draft timetable Friday - Sunday for the 2008 AGM/Reunion.
As last year there would be a lunch in the Brabazon Suite, possibly with members of the Wosser family in attendance. 
The special Hotel Tariff for Members of the Shrigley Association (£50 pp for B&B) remains in place.  Early bookings, made personally by Members ASAP, are  highly recommended, with final confirmation given to the Hotel no later than one month before the September 2008 Event)

Eric L. Baggaley      12-12-07