(An amended constitution approved by the Annual General Meeting, September 2008)
3.1 Membership is open to anyone who studied or worked at Shrigley.
3.2 Enrolled members are those entitled members who wish to avail themselves of the activities of the Association and who pay a life or annual subscription.
4.1 The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee, elected at the Annual General Meeting, which shall consist of Officers and two Co-opted Members who are not Officers.
4.2 The Officers shall consist of Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Minutes Secretary & IT/Website Co-ordinator, Events Co-ordinator, Archivist.
4.3. The Committee meetings shall be chaired by the Chairman. Four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Unless otherwise decided, voting shall be by a show of hands, the Chairman having a second or casting vote. The Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees.
4.4 One of the Committee shall annually undertake the updating of the membership list.
4.5 Any enrolled member may attend Committee Meetings but only Committee Members may vote.
4.6 A President of the Association shall be appointed by invitation from the Committee, ratified by the Annual General Meeting.
5.1 The main meeting shall be an Annual Re-Union.
5.2 The Annual General Meeting shall take place during the course of the Annual Re-Union.
5.3 Nominations for the Officers of the Committee, or any changes to the Constitution, shall be appended by the Secretary to the notice convening the Annual General Meeting, inviting further nominations. This notice shall be presented to the members at least two weeks before the Annual General Meeting. It shall also include a reminder to the members that subscriptions are due.
5.4 If nominations for Officers and Committee exceed vacancies, voting shall be by ballot.
5.5 Voting will be restricted to enrolled members who attend the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary Meeting
5.6 The Constitution may be altered only by two thirds of those enrolled members present and voting at a General Meeting.
5.7 An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary at the written request of at least six members; he shall give members at least three weeks’ notice of such a meeting.
5.8 The Committee shall meet on three occasions annually.
5.9. The members may invite spouses or partners to any of the Association’s non-Committee meetings.
6.1 The Financial year shall run from 1st July to 30th June.
6.2 The annual subscription shall be set by the Committee and become due on 1stJuly.
6.3 Anyone who has not paid his subscription by 31st December shall normally be deemed not to be an enrolled member for that year.
6.4 An Income and Expenditure account for the year ending 30th June shall be prepared by the Treasurer and shall be presented to the Membership at the Annual General Meeting.
6.5 Similarly, accounts shall be prepared, examined and presented on behalf of any sub-committee which has independent control of its finances.
6.6 Cheques issued on behalf of the Association shall be signed by any two from the Treasurer, Secretary or Chairman.
6.7 In the event of the Association being wound up, then it shall be the duty of the Committee and enrolled members to ensure that the funds remaining are donated to a named Charity or Charities.
Mike Kilduff
August 2008