Tony McCarthy, Joe Lomax, Tricia & Eric Baggaley, Fr. W.Gurgul, Kevin & Gail Dean, Pauline Lomax |
Front Row L-R: Gail Dean, Frank Allen, John Burnett, Fr. W. Gurgul, Betty Burnett,....others |
Bro. Donald MacDonald SDB, Tricia Baggaley, Fr. George Robson SDB, _____, Joe Brown SDB |
Fr. Dave O'Malley SDB,____,Vincent Raffery,____ |
(centre) ____, John Burnett, Paul Barnes, Pauline Lomax |
Kevin Dean,____,____, Peter Hull, Tony McCarthy, Eric Baggaley,____ |
Joe Lomax, Bro. Donald MacDonald SDB, Fr. Frank Sutherland SDB |
Michael Meyers, John Burke, ____, Ted Carless,____ |
(centre) Eddie Fox |
(centre) Ted Carless |
Ted Carless, Eric Baggaley |
Publicity for 1996 meeting from "Salesian Bulletin": Some of the letters of appreciation and Shrigley memories which Ted Carless received following the 1996 Event. |