Membership of the Committee of the Association for 2008-09
Our objective is to ensure that business is conducted as openly and inclusively as possible. To this end, under our constitution all members of the Association are free to attend and contribute to committee meetings and this year, for the first time, we have held three meetings in widely-dispersed locations.
The electors, including nominators and seconders of those wishing to hold office, are all those members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting where the election takes place. As you will see, some colleagues wish to stand again for certain positions: this does not preclude further nominations for the posts in question. All nominees must agree to their own nomination.
[NOTE: By its nature the Events Co-ordinator – whose principal task is to organise the Annual Reunion – will often want to hold the position for one year only, as in Bernard O’Neill’s case. However, along with his colleagues on the current Committee, Bernard has explicitly indicated his wish actively to support any new incumbent.]
The deadline for receipt of nomination forms (copy attached) by the Secretary is 7.00p.m. on Friday 19th September, the evening before the next Annual General Meeting.
Peter Roebuck
Chairman 2007-08


POST                                                       NOMINEE                               NOMINATOR                         SECONDER
CHAIRMAN                                            ____________                    ____________                    ____________

                                                           ____________                    ____________                    ____________

SECRETARY                                            M.Kilduff                            ____________                    ____________

                                                            ____________                    ____________                    ____________

TREASURER                                            D.Murphy                            ____________                    ____________

                                                             ____________                    ____________                    ____________

MINUTES SEC & IT CO-ORDINATOR           E.Baggaley                            ____________                    ____________

                                                                ____________                 ____________                    ____________

EVENTS CO-ORDINATOR                              ____________                    ____________                    ____________

                                                                ____________                    ____________                    ____________

 ARCHIVIST                                             ____________                    ____________                    ____________

                                                            ____________                    ____________                    ____________

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