Shrigley Association

Southern Meeting November 2008

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CHERTSEY 28th to 29th NOVEMBER 2008.

For the second time in 2008 members of the Shrigley Association met for a Southern Gathering in line with the new plan agreed at the September Annual Reunion to hold three Committee meetings a year in different parts of the UK.

This time, on 28th and 29th November, we held it in Chertsey. On the Friday evening we were made very welcome by Father Peter Brealey and his community prior to going to a local Italian restaurant for a lovely meal reminiscing and updating on where we were all up to in our lives.

On the Saturday morning we started in earnest with our Committee meeting, held in the Parish Savio Centre, during  which we conducted a lot of business under the direction of our acting Chairman, Mike Kilduff, who was standing in for Peter Roebuck in his absence  “down under”!

Fr. Joe Brown SDB & Paul Barnes
General View
Eric Baggaley, Ken Greaney & Tony Calway


An excellent lunch followed in the Salesian House where we were joined by the community.

The afternoon was devoted to inputs from various speakers starting with Father Joe Brown and Brother Donald MacDonald telling us about the Salesian work in Liberia. Both of them were pioneers of the work out there and they were able to update us on the progress being made involving more and more of the local people. They gave a great insight into the work and life of Sean Devreaux who was killed out there whilst on United Nations work.

David Murphy
Tony Calway, Ken Greaney, Jane Murphy & Keith Dransfield
Br. Donald MacDonald SDB


The next session was a short talk by Dave Murphy about the work that he does year after year in Lourdes. In the peak weeks for English Pilgrims David is the “Le Chef” in charge of the Grotto area. His talk was particularly pertinent given it is the 150th Anniversary Year of the apparitions.

Mike Kilduff then spoke of his experiences of working as a young teacher in Africa. He said that Shrigley, being a Missionary College, had inspired him to want to travel and this gave him his opportunity.   He was given quite a lot of responsibility, often in charge of the boarders in the school which at times was quite challenging given the different moralities in the community at that time.

David Murphy & Paul Barnes
Eric Baggaley, Br. Donald, David Murphy, Paul Barnes, Tony Calway & Ken Greaney
Ken Greaney & Jane Murphy


Following the afternoon session we had Mass in the small chapel at the Salesian House with Father Joe our celebrant. The evening concluded with a meal at the local Indian restaurant before we all went our respective ways. It had been a very good Gathering attended by 12 members and two wives. Not everyone could stay for every session but in true Shrigley Association style individuals were able to attend what they wanted to do and had time to do.
Paul Barnes, Southern Coordinator

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29 NOVEMBER 2008


PRESENT: Mike Kilduff (Acting Chairman); David Murphy (Treasurer); Eric Baggaley (Mins. Sec./IT Co-Ord.); Bernard O'Neill (Events Co-Ord.); Paul Barnes (Southern Rep.); Bro. Donald MacDonald SDB; Fr. Joe Brown SDB; Keith Dransfield (Web Org.); Tony Calway; Patrick O'Neill.

(At meal/event only) Jane Murphy, Ken Greaney.

APOLOGIES: Peter Roebuck; Ted Carless; John King; Gerry Wright; Joe Lomax; Frank Mc Greal; Douglas Robertson; Michael Dewane; Kevin Burgess; Bob Burgess; John Crowshaw.


The Chairman opened the meeting with thanks to the Gathering organizer, Paul Barnes and the Salesians at Chertsey for this weekend's arrangements. Thanks were also expressed to the Committee, especially Bernard O'Neill, for the successful 2008 AGM and Reunion, and to Keith and Eric for the constantly up-dated website.

  1. MINUTES OF THE LAST COMMITTEE MEETING (GT. MISSENDEN 4 JULY 2008) Accepted as true record, no matters arising.

MINUTES OF THE 13TH AGM ( For information only)

  1. MATTERS ARISING FROM BOTH SETS OF MINUTES: Mike Kilduff reported on correspondence with Louise Davenport as she left her post at Shrigley. Seven more large pictures of the early days at Shrigley are to be displayed at the Hotel.

 CHAIRMAN'S COMMUNICATION: Deferred until item 13.

  1. REPORT ON NATIONAL COUNCIL MEETING, BATTERSEA 9 NOV 2008 (BERNARD O'NEILL): Item 9 has been moved up the Agenda to this point also. A wide-ranging, in-depth discussion followed Bernard's report on the meeting he had attended at short notice on behalf of the SA. The Secretary had pre-released to the National Council a detailed account of our Association. Bernard had conveyed our concerns. Mike Kilduff outlined the many publications, activities and initiatives which showed that the SA was not "mere nostalgia" (see Minutes NC Meeting 9.11.2008, para. 5 in v). Discussion of the Constitution and the Minutes received from National Council showed clear contrasts between the "Mission Statement" of the NC and the very wide remit of the SA Constitution. Tony Calway helped by suggesting an insert of the words "for those who wish" into the NC Mission Statement (see second Draft Statutes: no. 2. Mission). This would then read: "To promote social, sporting and continuing formation activities for the benefit of its members, and, for those who wish to share responsibility with the whole Salesian family for the development of Don Bosco's mission to the young and poor." Representation was agreed to be by an active member of the SA Committee and Bernard O'Neill was invited to accept this role. Discussion of membership cards and badges was not conclusive

ACTION: Mike Kilduff to brief Peter Roebuck so that he can discuss with NC the wording of its Mission Statement and the precise nature of  SA relationships with the NC.

  1. A FINANCIAL PROTOCOL (D. Murphy) Reporting an SA bank balance in excess of £3,000 and complimenting Bernard O'Neill on the efficient ("break-even") AGM 2008 finances, David showed that donations still greatly outweigh paid-up subscriptions, which still stand at around 44. An Archive donation to Mike has been made to defray funds which had been spent on secretarial duties. David outlined that the need for a Financial Protocol was provoked mainly by costs incurred in meeting guests' expenses at SA functions over the last two years.

ACTION: David to write and circulate a financial protocol.

  1. BOVA YOUTH MINISTRY (D. MURPHY): Reporting on the work of Fr. Bob Gardner SDB and the Euro Event of 2009, involving 15,000 young people and an estimated bill of £51,000, David suggested some Association help. From various suggestions:

ACTION: David to send BOVA £300 now and to contact John Bergin about the feasibility of raising a further £300 at the January Committee Meeting and Gathering in Glasgow. (£600 would be our sponsorship of one young person.)

  1. MEMBERSHIP CARDS (B. O'NEILL) See Item 6 above.

FORMAT OF GATHERINGS (P.BARNES): Paper was presented. Discussion followed about the degree of formality needed, some amendments were suggested and this paper was considered probably more useful for Committee use only.

ACTION: Eric to send Paul the amendments suggested.

  1. GLASGOW MEETING JANUARY 2009:  No information has been received from John Bergin (co-opted Member for Scotland) as to the plans for this meeting, normally held over the weekend closest to the feast of Don Bosco.

ANNUAL REUNION 2009 (B. O'NEILL): Discussion of possible visit by the Rector Major: any invitation in this regard would only be extended after the detailed planning of the AGM/Reunion had been made and such an invitation considered appropriate. The September dates already agreed for 2009 could not be changed, mainly because there was no flexibility at Savio House. Following on the success of the "Reminiscences" at the 2008 Reunion, it was proposed that a session "My Story After Shrigley" (invited speakers plus general participation) could be organized.

ACTION: Feedback of ideas by the Committee to Bernard and Mike to aid programme planning.


AOB: Eric requested help to supply "names to faces" for the Reunion photographs on the website. Also requested is a list of the women who have attended these Reunions (1996-2008).


Eric Baggaley (Mins. Sec./IT Co-Ord)  06/12/2008

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